The anticipated day has finally arrived! Your service dog delivery is ready to be scheduled. The excitement and anticipation can quickly become stressful and worrisome if you are unsure what to expect. We work hard to ensure that the service dog delivery and in-home transition for your service dog is as smooth and seamless as possible.
Our trainers will fly or drive to your location along with your service dog. Expect our trainers to stay for approximately three to five days, depending on your family’s specific needs. While there are no training fees associated with our service dog delivery, you will be responsible for the travel expenses, lodging, and meals for our training team. We will take care of scheduling our travel, and making our reservations, but we always request your recommendations and input to ensure you are receiving the best value for your dollar.
Your family will be provided with a training DVD which showcases your service dog in action. All of your service dog’s obedience and specialty commands will be demonstrated and explained for you to review at your convenience.
If you or your family has encountered difficult situations that you hope the dog will assist with making better, please schedule them while we are with you. This gives our trainers a chance to observe and make recommendations, and affords the service dog the opportunity to experience a challenging environment with those individuals with whom he is still most comfortable. We have had families struggle with certain therapy appointments, doctor visits, or specific errands, and almost without exception, the presence of the service dog has made each of those troubling events more manageable.
At the end of the delivery, as our trainers depart, you may be wondering how you can make the transition easier for your new service dog, and create a solid partnership. We recommend the following tips to help your family create a successful bond with your service dog.